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Text File | 1995-05-10 | 14.5 KB | 324 lines | [TEXT/KAHL] |
- What are "Plug-In Brains?"
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Bolo supports plug-in 'brain' modules to drive Bolo tanks, to allow:
- 1. One player games against a number of 'AI' tanks.
- 2. Two player games, where each player commands a platoon of AI tanks.
- 3. 'Core War' style tournaments where people compete to write the best AI
- algorithms.
- Sample code is provided. It is basically the original Bolo 0.96 'Autopilot'
- converted to BBRN format, with the addition of better path finding and mine
- clearing. It is not very smart.
- How to write plug-in 'brain' modules to drive Bolo tanks.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Each plug-in brain module is a separate file, stored in the "Brains" folder.
- The file should have type 'BBRN'.
- It can have any creator code, although 'BOLO' is probably a sensible choice.
- It should contain a CODE resource with ID 1000+x, where x is the BrainInfo
- version that your code is compiled for (see below). For version 3 of the
- interface, this means that you should make your code resource have ID 1003.
- When the user selects your brain from the "Tank Control" menu in Bolo, your
- CODE resource is loaded into memory and locked down.
- Your CODE resource will be called with A4 set to point to the base address
- of the resource (ie set up to support Think C's A4-relative CODE resource
- globals). You may make limited Operating System and Toolbox calls, including
- QuickDraw, if necessary (eg putting up a dialog box). (However, care must be
- taken if you decide to access QuickDraw globals. See the Think C manual
- chapter on CODE resources.) Your resource file will be open if you need
- access to your resources. One parameter is passed on the stack with pascal
- calling conventions. You should declare your main routine thus:
- pascal short main(const BrainInfo *info)
- The structure you are passed looks like this:
- typedef struct
- {
- u_short BoloVersion; // two hex bytes, eg. 0x0098 means version 0.98
- u_short InfoVersion; // current version of the BrainInfo structure is 1
- void *userdata; // Initially points to address of your CODE resource
- u_short padding1; // unused at present
- u_short PrefsVRefNum;
- u_char *PrefsFileName;
- u_short operation; // 0=OPEN, 1=CLOSE, 2=THINK, 200+ menu
- u_short menu_item;
- ... // (see accompanying header files for more details)
- } BrainInfo;
- BoloVersion is passed for informational value only. Most Brains should
- not care what version of Bolo is running. You should however check that
- InfoVersion indicates a version of the BrainInfo structure that your code
- understands. If your codes does not understand the InfoVersion then you
- should return a non-zero error code from the "OPEN" call.
- "userdata" is provided for MPW users who do not have the A4-globals facility.
- It is initialized to point to the start address of your code (ie the same as
- the value in A4), but if you elect to change its value (say to point to a
- block of memory you have allocated for workspace) then that value will be
- preserved in subsequent calls. (You will have to use a cast to override the
- 'const' protection on the BrainInfo structure that Bolo passes to you --
- handle with care.)
- PrefsVRefNum and PrefsFileName are passed so that you can access the user's
- Bolo Preferences file if you wish, to store settings between activations of
- your Brain. You should store your preferences as NAMED resources in the file.
- A lot more information is passed in the BrainInfo structure, although most
- of it will only be relevant to the "THINK" call.
- The operation codes.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 0: OPEN.
- The first call, made once, immediately after the CODE resource is loaded into
- memory. If you wish to offer user-configurability, you may add a menu to the
- menu bar. The menu ID should be 1000 or greater. If you need to use hierarchical
- sub-menus, you can use ids in the range 200-255. You may allocate memory for
- workspace, but your total memory usage (size of CODE resource plus size of
- extra memory allocated) must not exceed 32K. If you need more than this, you
- must use "MultiFinder Temporary Memory" (see Inside Macintosh VI 28-33).
- Return zero if initialization was successful, or non-zero if it failed
- (eg. insufficient memory). If non-zero is returned, your code will not be
- called again (not even a CLOSE message), so you must tidy up before returning.
- 1: CLOSE.
- Called once as the final call when the user turns off your brain. You should
- ensure that all allocated memory is released, all menus are removed etc.
- 2: THINK.
- This, the most important call, is done as frequently as the load on the
- Macintosh will allow. Each time, information describing the current start of
- the world around the tank is given, and your code should decide what action to
- take.
- 200+: MENU.
- Called when the user chooses an item from your menu with this menu ID number.
- The number of the item which was selected from the menu is given in "menu_item".
- The THINK message.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Every time through the main event loop, Bolo will send you a THINK message.
- This means that you are subject to the vagaries of the Macintosh process
- scheduling mechanism. If another application holds the CPU for a long time, or
- the user performs some action which hogs the machine, then it is possible that
- you might not get any calls for a significant length of time. You should be
- aware of this limitation, and users should be aware that if they overload the
- machine then AI routines will not perform very well. A corollary of this is
- that YOU can hog the CPU for a long time if you wish. However, Bolo is a real-
- time game. If you spend too long deciding what to do, then your tank will have
- been shot and destroyed by the time you make up your mind. A good guideline is
- no more than a tenth of a second of thinking time per call. If you want to be
- very ambitious and do dynamic adjustment, you can use TickCount or the Time
- Manager to measure the passage of time, and return when some suitable length
- of time has passed.
- The information you are passed is basically a software interface to the
- information that a human player has available visually.
- The maximum number of players is given because it controls the size of the
- player bitmap structures used for messages and alliances. It may also be
- useful to determine your memory allocation needs.
- You are told your tank’s current position, speed, direction, whether it is
- on a boat etc.
- You are told your current tank stocks and other status information.
- If newtank is non-zero it indicates that your tank was just killed, and this
- is new tank you are controlling. This is done so that your algorithm is not
- hopelessly confused to find itself suddenly on a boat out in the deep sea.
- Your first THINK message after the OPEN call will have this 'new tank'
- indication set.
- If there is a friendly base within range, then its position and stocks are
- given. Otherwise base will be NULL.
- If man_status is zero, the man is in the tank, ready for action. If man_status
- is one, then your man is dead and a new man is parachuting in. If man_status
- is any other value, then the man is outside the tank, building, in which case
- man_direction gives the direction of travel of the man, and (man_x, man_y)
- gives his current position.
- If (*pillview) is non-negative, then the view you are given is centred on the
- pillbox with the given number. If (*pillview) is -1 then the view is centred on
- your tank. To change where your next view will come from, set (*pillview) to
- the desired value. You may attempt to view from a dead pillbox (or one you
- don't own) if you wish, but you will not see anything.
- The array of TERRAIN squares is given as horizontal rows, from top to bottom,
- with the squares running left to right in each row (similar to the map file
- format). The map view information shows you everything within 14 squares of the
- tank -- ie anything a human could see by scrolling the tank view around with
- the cursor keys. For pillbox views, the visibility range is restricted to 7
- squares in every direction, as it is for humans.
- The bytes of the array have the values given below. The top bit of the byte
- will be set if the square has a mine (that you can see) on it.
- typedef BYTE TERRAIN;
- enum
- {
- TERRAIN_MINE = 0x80,
- };
- For each object you can see, you are told its position, and some information.
- Your own tank is not included in the array of objects. All friendly pillboxes
- and bases are included in the array, even if currently beyond visual range.
- typedef u_short OBJECT;
- enum
- {
- };
- #define OBJECT_HOSTILE 1 // Object is hostile to us
- #define OBJECT_NEUTRAL 2 // Object is not loyal to any other player
- // Note that being neutral means that an object has no particular loyalty
- // to any player -- whether it is hostile or friendly to us is an orthogonal
- // question. Currently, neutral refuelling bases are friendly to everyone
- // and neutral pillboxes are hostile to everyone.
- typedef struct
- {
- OBJECT object;
- WORLD_X x;
- WORLD_Y y;
- WORD idnum;
- BYTE direction;
- BYTE info;
- } ObjectInfo;
- For tanks, pillboxes, refuelling bases, and men, an identifying number is
- given, which ranges from zero to the number of that kind of object minus one.
- One useful fact is that man number n is owned by tank number n.
- For tanks and shots the approximate direction of travel is given.
- For pillboxes the 'direction' value gives the pillbox's current strength, in
- the range 0-15, as can be determined by human players looking at the graphics
- on the screen.
- For refuling bases, the 'direction' value will be zero if the base is dead
- and capturable, and non-zero otherwise. Unlike pillboxes, it does not tell
- you the exact strength of the base, only a rough approximation.
- For building men, the 'direction' value is unused.
- Bit 0 of the info field (OBJECT_HOSTILE) is set if the object is hostile,
- and clear if it is friendly.
- Bit 1 of the info field (OBJECT_NEUTRAL) is set if the object is neutral --
- ie it is not currently 'owned' by any player.
- MessageInfo structure
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If a message was sent to you then the MessageInfo pointer will be non-null, and
- will point to a MessageInfo structure as described below.
- typedef struct
- {
- u_short sender;
- PlayerMap *receivers;
- u_char *message;
- } MessageInfo;
- The sender field tells you which player sent the message. You may examine
- playernames[sender] to find out the ASCII name of that player. The receivers
- field points to a bit map indicating which players the message was sent to, and
- the text of the message is given by the message field.
- Controlling the tank
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Macros are provided to set bits in the BoloKeyMap structure. Each bit
- corresponds to a tank control -- accelerate, decelerate, turn, shoot, etc.
- Setting a bit in the holdkeys structure is equivalent to the user holding that
- key down (until you clear the bit explicitly). Setting a bit in the tapkeys
- structure is equivalent to the user tapping the key briefly (for about 1/12th
- of a second). This can be useful for things like firing a single shot.
- Building Control
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- enum
- {
- };
- typedef struct
- {
- MAP_X x;
- MAP_Y y;
- BUILDMODE action;
- } BuildInfo;
- If the action field is zero, you may set the x and y coordinates to the
- location you wish to build at, and set the action field to the operation
- you wish the man to perform. When the man has been dispatched from the
- tank to do the building, the action field will be reset to zero, and you
- may then queue up the next action, to be performed when the man returns.
- Alliances
- ~~~~~~~~~
- The field "PlayerBitMap *allies" tells you who you are currently allied to.
- If you are not in any alliance, then the bit corresponding to yourself will
- always be set, indicating an 'alliance' of one player.
- The field "PlayerBitMap *wantallies" is used to control alliance membership.
- If you are currently in an alliance (of more than just yourself) then on
- each call, "wantallies" will be initialized to your current set of allies.
- You have three options:
- 1. Leave it unchanged.
- 2. Set new bits, indicating alliance invitations to other players.
- (The invited players must have already requested an alliance with you
- for the invitation to take effect.)
- 3. Set it to zero, indicating your desire to leave this alliance.
- If you are NOT currently in an alliance, then the bits indicate who you would
- like to be in an alliance with, should they choose to invite you. You are free
- to set the bits any way you please, including all zero, to indicate that you
- do not want an alliance with anybody. It is not necessary to set the bit for
- yourself -- it is assumed that you want to be friendly to yourself.
- If two non-allied players both indicate a desire to be allied to each other,
- then a mutual alliance is automatically formed.
- Sending messages
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- messagedest points to a bitmap of flags as described above. For each tank you
- want to send to, set the appropriate bit in the bitmap. If sendmessage[0] is
- zero then you may write a message into the buffer it points to. The message
- should be a pascal string -- ie sendmessage[0] will then contain the length of
- the string. When the message has been sent, sendmessage[0] will be reset to
- zero. You can send a message to yourself only for the purpose of displaying
- debugging messages, if necessary.
- A note on types
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Directions are given as single bytes, with the circle divided into 256
- divisions. 0 is North, 64 is East, 128 is South, 192 is West, and 255 is all
- the way around, almost back to due North.
- MAP coordinates are 8 bits each for X and Y, and the unit is one map square.
- 0,0 is the top left corner of the 'world', and coordinates increase downwards
- and to the right. 255,255 is the bottom right corner of the world. The position
- of pillboxes and refueling bases are given in MAP coordinates, since they are
- constrained to lie on map squares.
- WORLD coordinates are 16 bits each for X and Y. They are a higher resolution
- version of MAP coordinates, used for objects such as tanks which can move on a
- finer grid than whole map squares. Like MAP coordinates, WORLD coordinates
- start with 0,0 in the top left, increasing downwards and to the right. 256
- WORLD coordinate units make one MAP coordinate unit, so effectively the top
- byte of the WORLD coordinate gives the MAP square, and the low byte gives the
- location within the square.
- The coordinates given for objects like tanks and shots give the position of the
- centre of the object.